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Join Us at Pebble Beach for 2-Hour Sunrise Score-O

Pebble Beach Recreation Site

Participate in an all-day event for the 2-hour sunrise score-O on foot or on bike at Pebble Beach. The area around the recreation area is a mixture of fairly flat drainages and hilly desert terrain. The views around the Salt River are quite spectacular with cliffs rising 400+ feet above the surrounding desert. We highly [...]


Explore the Orienteering Event at Ironwood Picnic Area

Tucson Mountain Park 8451 W. McCain Loop, Tucson, AZ, United States +1 more

Join us for a 90-minute Score-O at an all-day orienteering event hosted by the Tucson Orienteering Club. Bring a whistle, compass, water and phone or watch. Maps are available to all participants. Volunteering opportunities are available.  


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