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Maricopa County Parks is hosting several native seed harvest events in May and June at several parks. The native seed harvested will later be used to help in park restoration projects and will be planted in invasive species removal areas and parks impacted by wildfires. Collecting and planting local seed genotypes will help maintain the park’s biodiversity and sustainability through climate changes.

Thursday, May 19th

Registration is required. We will meet on-site, (Area #10 parking lot). If this changes you will be notified through signup.com, hold a safety briefing (snakes, trail etiquette, and hydration), and hike out to the collecting areas (vary by the park). We will be physically removing the seed from the plants and collecting it in a bucket or bag. If you have pruning tools, like clippers or tongs bring them may be useful when working with cactus. Please bring plenty of water, a snack, dress appropriately, closed-toed shoes, long pants, hat, and sunscreen> please bring gardening or leather gloves.

Covid-19 CDC guidelines will be followed, including wearing a mask when within 6 ft of others. Wear your mask and wash your hands.

If you have large paper bags please bring them with you, we could always use more for seed storage.

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