When life feels like it’s getting on top of us, we’ve all probably found ourselves daydreaming of a vacation. There’s a reason why the global tourism industry is one of the most lucrative in the world. Not only does travel help to broaden our world view and introduce us to new experiences, but it can also be incredibly beneficial to our mental wellbeing. Here are three of the most important ways a vacation with your family can be advantageous for your mental health.

Something to look forward to

Before you’ve even jetted off on your adventure or packed the car, simply knowing you have a vacation to look forward to can do wonders for your wellbeing. Especially in the doldrums of winter, when the days are shorter and lots of people struggle to maintain a positive outlook, the anticipation of a trip away gives you something positive and constructive to focus on – the mood-boosting effects of dusting off your passport shouldn’t be underestimated.


As well as booking your flights and hotels – and benefiting from the peace of mind that can offer – planning how you might spend your time is a great way to ramp up the excitement. For a family getaway, make sure you get the kids involved in this stage of the process. Not only does this ensure there’s something for everyone on the itinerary, but knowing they’ve contributed to the vacation can boost their confidence and help to build important life skills – while also being a wonderful bonding experience. This is especially important if this is an excursion to explore nature areas, as kids may be reluctant to separate from their technology.

It’s an opportunity for more physical activity

It’s no secret that our mental and physical health are intrinsically linked. When we’re able to factor more active time into our weekly schedules, our mental wellbeing stands to benefit in a number of different ways. Whether you’re exploring a new city by foot or making a splash in the pool with the kids, physical activity is baked into family vacations. Plus, there are plenty of opportunities to try out a new activity on vacation, from hiking to orienteering. Tie some of these things into your itinerary and you’ll feel both the physical and mental benefits of being more active.

Especially when traveling with young children, it’s important to remember that there are certain health risks associated with spending active time outdoors.  Even in cooler climates than you’re used to, make sure you use sunscreen to protect both their skin and yours, and drink water regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Strengthening family bonds

When the stresses of daily life get on top of us, it becomes more challenging to give the best version of ourselves to our nearest and dearest. That’s why, on occasion, it’s important to hit the reset button and step away from your normal responsibilities. Family vacations are a wonderful way to do just that, offering endless opportunities to deepen those family bonds – that are so important to our wellbeing – and create memories you’ll cherish forever.

Even from a young age, all humans are programmed to be social beings. As well as having more meaningful interactions with one another, vacations present a chance for children to form bonds with other people from different backgrounds and parts of the world. Having these experiences from a young age can boost confidence and help them grow into more well-rounded individuals.

Article contributed by Zoe Williams