White Tank Mt Park with Joe Ford
Join us at White Tank Mountain Regional Park! Meet up for the birdwalk on the South Porch of the Nature Center. Another great program will be held after the walk where we'll learn all about ratites!
Join us at White Tank Mountain Regional Park! Meet up for the birdwalk on the South Porch of the Nature Center. Another great program will be held after the walk where we'll learn all about ratites!
Have some fun with us as we birdwalk around Estrella Mt Park! We will meet up at the Nature Center. Just in time for the holidays, an informative program will be conducted following the walk titled "Turkeys, The Thanksgiving Bird."
Visit Historic Canoa Ranch, a birding hotspot in Pima County. Explore the pond, cienega, and desert at Historic Canoa Ranch, as we search for waterfowl, sparrows, finches, and many other birds.