Want to improve and expand outdoor recreation opportunities in Arizona for all users? The Network for Arizona Trails (NAZT) is championing a concurrent resolution in both the Arizona Senate and House to put outdoor recreation and trails at the political forefront, and we need you to take action to support it. This resolution already enjoys bipartisan support and will put the legislature on record supporting an important economic engine and health promoter: the great outdoors and trails.

You can add your individual voice to the nearly 40 conservation, outdoor and recreation groups to show your local legislators that you want them to support SCR1046 or HCR2034. Email is the most effective means for contacting your local legislators. Not sure who your local legislators are? Visit this website, https://azredistricting.org/districtlocator/, and type in your address. This tells you your Legislative District (LD). Now, to find your actual legislators and their mail address, follow this link: https://www.azleg.gov/memberroster/

Be sure to put “I am a constituent” in the subject line. Then, in the text area of your email message, ask them to vote for this concurrent resolution and tell them why. For talking points and more information, email: kirkastroth@gmail.com