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eBird 101–Track the Birds You See | Instructor: Holly Kleindienst
Registration fee: $10/member, $20/non-member, or FREE with registration to the 2022 Southeast AZ Birding Festival!

This first installment in the 2-part series will include a brief overview of eBird, how to set up your eBird profile, how to log a bird checklist, share your checklist and add photos. We’ll also discuss why bird numbers matter and how accurate you should strive to be. You’ll learn how to view your data in terms of your County, State, Country, ABA and World lists. And finally, we’ll explore how eBird data is used and reviewed. This workshop will make it easy for every level of birder to use eBird. Every checklist counts – you’re not just birding anymore, you’re surveying!

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