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Tempe Town Lake: Eight Sunday afternoons throughout the fall.

Lake Pleasant Saturday / Sunday Series: For fall of 2022, the Catalina 22, PHRF Spinnaker, and PHRF Sport Boat fleets will score Saturday only. The Santana 20 and Thistle/Portsmouth fleets will score both Saturday and Sunday. (Depending on registrations, Thistles may combine with other Portsmouth boats as one fleet.)

Sunday Series: PHRF Spinnaker and PHRF Sport Boats will compete as a single fleet in a new Sunday morning series. There is no additional fee for boats to enter if they’re already entered in the regular fall series, but they must complete the entry.

Day Entry: If you’re not signed up for a series, you’ll need an entry for each day you race. Day entries are not eligible for series scoring. (Yes, eligible boats not competing in the fall series may submit a day entry for the Sunday morning series.)

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