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If you’ve been looking for a challenging, but satisfying, 4-day backcountry trail maintenance event in the beautiful Mazatzal Wilderness, then please plan to join us March 22-25 on passage 23, segment 23a of the Mazatzal Divide Trail.

Basic backpacking skills and fitness are required for this self-supported trip. Tools, PPE, and training will be provided if you do not already have them. Just let Roger Smith know (see contact information below).

We will meet at Mt. Peeley trailhead Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. and hike 9.0 miles north to our base camp at Bear Spring Junction. We will set a leisurely pace, take frequent breaks, and enjoy hiking in the beautiful Mazatzal Wilderness!

Our objectives on Saturday and Sunday are trimming overgrown plants and minor tread work. On Monday, we will pack up and hike out after breakfast.

If you haven’t been to Mt. Peeley trailhead, please contact Roger for a map. The last 11 miles to the trailhead are a beautiful, narrow dirt road that requires AWD or 4WD due to several steep grades with loose gravel. If you need a ride, a carpool while be made available.

Please contact Roger Smith (rsmith1135@hotmail.com) with any questions you may have.

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