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May 9- Monday, 8:00 am
Rose Canyon
Registration for this walk is free. | REGISTRATION FULL

Trip Difficulty: Moderate. ~3 mile hike out-and-back via a paved road with ~500 ft elevation change (down going in, up coming back). Pit toilets available.
Rose Canyon is a ponderosa pine forest at 7000′ elevation. We will slowly bird Rose Canyon from the small parking lot off Catalina Highway down towards the campground, walking on Rose Canyon Road. We will be looking for our higher elevation birds such as Hairy Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, flocks of Pygmy Nuthatches, and Pine Siskins. Lucky birders may also see the Olive Warbler, a summer nesting resident in Rose Canyon. Dress in layers, bring water, and wear sensible shoes. Many birds will be higher in the canopy, so this trip is best suited to birders with good binocular skills. Limited to 10 participants.
Due to limited parking off Catalina Highway, this trip requires carpooling from Tucson; Instructions for meet-up will be emailed to registered participants before the trip.
Leader: Christina Klock (cklockTAS@gmail.com)

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