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De Anza Trail Birding, Santa Cruz River Riparian Corridor
Registration fee: $20/member, $40/non-member* | Register Here beginning February 12

Trip difficulty: Moderate, 3-4 miles walking distance over mostly level terrain, some ups/downs in river area, muddy conditions are possible in sections. Dress in layers, as dawn can be cool near the river. 
The Santa Cruz River feeds a lush riparian corridor which provides vital habitat to many species of birds. By visiting the area in mid-March, we may find early migrants like Lucy’s Warbler and Bell’s Vireo, while still enjoying winter residents like Hammond’s Flycatcher and Red-naped Sapsucker. We’ll also keep our eyes on the sky for migrating Gray, Zone-tailed, and Common Black Hawks, which use the river valley as a waystation (or, in the case of Gray Hawks, a summer residence). Most of the time we’ll be on the DeAnza trail, which parallels the river, and provides excellent access to the riparian corridor. Our birding day will start at Santa Gertrudis Lane in Tumacácori, and we’ll make an additional stop or two on our way north to the Tubac bridge area. Our exact itinerary will vary depending upon recent sightings. Expect to wrap up around noon. 
Please plan to bring your own water, snacks, and lunch. Meeting spot: Santa Gertrudis Lane parking area, I-19, exit 29. Limited to 8 participants.
Leader: Julie Michael (jbirdsaz123@gmail.com)

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