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No Camping Experience? No Problem.

Arizona Family Campout Program weekends are designed for families with kids that have little or no experience camping. We will introduce you to the great experiences you can share with your family and inspire you to continue to explore the great outdoors from one of our campgrounds! You will learn how to set up a tent and an introduction to cooking outside, plus you will get to try some fun activities you can do while camping!

Join us on a family campout to learn the ropes of camping and experience all the fun of being in the outdoors!

Pre-registration is required! Click the registration link and search “family” to see campout dates. You may be moved into an official spot once you have completed the pre-registration, and payment will be accepted at that time. Pre-registering does not guarantee you a spot in a campout, but will add you to the waitlist. Families are allowed to sign up for one event per season, and three campouts total.

Registration is $90 for a family of up to four. Additional family members $5 each. One family per registration. Families can register for one event per season and three campouts total. For families greater than four, special arrangements are needed — please email ljuers@azstateparks.govChildren 6 years and older are welcome to attend the program. Sorry, pets cannot attend. Since this event focuses on learning to tent camp, RVs are not allowed.

Families should bring food, sleeping bags or any bedding, pillows, camping chairs, clothing, sturdy shoes and personal items including toothpaste, towels, soap, etc. The program will provide tents, sleeping mats, flashlights, chairs and all activity equipment. Beverages provided include water, coffee, tea, and sports drinks. Provided snacks include seasonal fruit, granola bars and more. Families are responsible for bringing two lunches, dinner, and breakfast.

Accessible Campouts are Available!

Family Campout is about sharing the wonder of camping in nature with everyone, including people with all types of disabilities! Families who want to learn how to negotiate camping with a disability can sign up at least three weeks in advance and we will make any necessary arrangements. Our staff has a vast knowledge of camping and all sorts of outdoor activities. Someone from our ADA team will contact you to discuss any specific requests.

Cancelation Policy

If you need to cancel your reservation up to 14 days before your scheduled event date, you can receive a refund. No refunds will be given for cancelations less than 14 days before the campout. Please email ljuers@azstateparks.gov to cancel.

Looking for more fun things to do in Arizona? Your Arizona state parks are full of opportunity for the whole family!

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