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Limit 10 people. Join Ranger Eric to look for nocturnal wildlife. Click on this program title for more details.

Join Ranger Eric to look for and learn about the nocturnal critters of the Sonoran Desert! We will meet at Area 9 and hike parts of the Ford Canyon and Waddell Trails (see map link here: white-tank-8×11.pdf (maricopacountyparks.net)). Hiking will be easy to moderate and will be about 1 mile. Wildlife may include scorpions, bugs, owls, nightjars, reptiles, and mammals. Please bring your own water, flashlights, and blacklights if you have them. Restrooms are available at Area 9. Space is limited. To register, please call the White Tanks Nature Center at (602) 506-2930 ext. 5.

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