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Birds ‘N Bingo at Bawker Bawker Cider House
This event is free to join, but plan to bring money for drinks/food. |
Come out to Bawker Bawker Cider House for some birds, brews, and bingo! You’ll put your bird ID knowledge to the test, compete to win sweet birdy prizes, and sip some of the best cider in town with your friends from Tucson Audubon! Note that bingo will start promptly at 6:30. Bawker Bawker is located at 400 N 4th Ave, Tucson.
This event is being held in partnership with Bawker Bawker Cider House, check out their website for more info!

Please reach out to Kirsten Howe (khowe@tucsonaudubon.org) with any questions.

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