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  • Check-in at 9:30am & group Mountain and Road rides will start at 10am. 
  • There will be multiple groups to accommodate ability levels and distances:
    • MTB routes: 1) Hiline loop, 2) Slim Shady – Easy Breezy loop, 3) Rabbit Ears – Little Rock loop, 4) Bell Rock – Big Park Loop and TBD, based on interest of attendees.
    • Road routes: TBA
    • Along the routes there will be an opportunity to score casino chips which can be utilized in a free chance auction.
  • 50/50 cash raffle, prizes, games and music
  • Mexican fiesta provided (tacos, burritos, chips & salsa and rice & beans) 
  • Drinks provided (beer, wine and soda)
  • Bring a dessert to share
  • Bring cash for the raffle! 

Members, guests and non-members are all welcome
Members are FREE, Guests & non-members: $25

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