Please join the ATA on January 25 at 8am on Passage 5, in the Santa Rita Foothills near Sonoita for a trail work event. The grasslands never disappoint and the remnants of the water system from the old mine is still visible. Our project area starts right from the trailhead, and we anticipate hiking between 1 and 3 miles for the day with our tools. This project is rated easy – accessible to first time volunteers, volunteers with families or individuals with limited physical capacity..
Our project will focus on brushing [removing vegetation from trail corridor – this vegetation can be thorny or woody, so clearing it is important to keeping the trail open to users], treadwork [repairing or improving the trail surface] and drainage work [constructing, clearing, or improving the excavated trail features to divert water away from the tread]. This means we’ll be working with hand saws, loppers, rakes; pick mattocks and cutters for grubbing, Mcleods, rogue hoes, pulaskis, rakes and spades, but other kinds of tasks may be needed once we are on site.
All tools and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided. No prior trail work experience is required – we’ll provide necessary instruction and guidance for new volunteers.
Please wear long sleeves, long pants, and sturdy shoes. Bring sun protection (sunscreen, sunglasses, headcovering, etc.), 2 liters drinking water, and your own snacks as needed. Lunch will be provided.
The trailhead is accessible by passenger car. Details for meeting location and final instructions will be provided to registered volunteers about 3-4 days in advance of the event.