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Join us on a 4-day backcountry event in the beautiful Mazatzal Wilderness southwest of Payson. We will be brushing on segments 23b and 23c. Basic backpacking skills, equipment, and fitness are required for this self-supported trip. Food will not be provided. We will be camping near a water source. Please bring water treatment. Tools and training will be provided.

On Friday we will meet at the Barnhardt Trailhead. Exact meeting time will be communicated to participants after registration. From there, we will hike 5.9 miles up the Barnhardt Trail. After setting up camp at the junction, we will hike about a mile to get water and tools at Chilson Spring.

Saturday and Sunday: We will brush a few overgrown areas on 23b and assess the condition and work as needed on 23c. We’ll set a leisurely pace, take frequent breaks, and enjoy working outdoors!

On Monday, we’ll pack up and hike out after breakfast. We will plan to be back at the parking area around noon.


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