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8AM Registration, Donuts and Coffee

8:15 – 9:30AM Leace No Trace Ice Breaker Activity (20 min. per group)
8:30 AM – Noon Service Project – Trail Building Demo, Safety talk, Trail Building Activity (need to
pre-register volunteers into 15 min. time slots, 10 people per slot)
9:30 AM – Noon Leave No Trace Presentation for volunteers – ongoing (outside, under tent)
10:30 AM Coffee Science at Pinetop Coffee
Lunch on-site Food Trucks
1:30 PM Equestrian’s Impact on Trails Presentation – Mreen Helm
1-3:30 PM Leave No Trace for professional and volunteers (focused group of those in the field, i.e., USFS, AZ
G&F, Fire Dept, Land managers educators)

2PM TRACKS Presentation & Nature Center
– History & White Mountain Trail System
– Rollover Gates
– Nature Center Overview, activities, etc

3PM Raptor Training Show

4PM Fermentation/Beer Science at Pinetop     Brewing Company



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